Who, What, When, Where, Why & How
Free Presentations in PowerPoint format
5 W’s and an H: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How
Problem Solving Visual Organizer
How to Write a Newspaper Article
Charles Dickens: Who What Where When Why How
Who What When Where and Why – The Five W’s of Web Site Evaluation
WWWW and W – Answer These Questions with Good Planning
See Also: Journalism, How to Write a Yearbook, Writing Index
For more links, lessons and loads of other goodies for teachers and kids, continue on to see what Mr. Donn has for Reading, Writing and Language Arts.
For Kids
Who, What, When, Where, Why and How games
For Teachers
Looking at Newspapers – the 5W’s
Be a Reporter: The 5W’s & H Activity Sheet
Lesson: WWWWW and H with Goldilocks
Newspaper front pages from around the world
(approximately 55 countries)